Tuesday 28 June 2011

Citrus Fruity Fashion, Get Your 5 a day

After my post on 'yellow' the other day I have started to notice loads of things in this world that sport the refreshing colour. Mostly fruit & flowers, general lovely things, I mean who doesn't like those?  Then on TV today I noticed a piece on fruity fashion, while watching it not only did I realised I was craving a fruit salad but I also started thinking about many of our jewellery pieces which fit the fruity mould.

Citrusy.... Ava in Yellow

Cherry-like 'Gardner in Jasper'

Very Berry 'Gloria'

Watermelon 'Rosa in Green'

So if going fresh & fruity is your idea of summer, then it so simple to add it in with accessories.

Cherry-Berry 'Mia'

Super Fruits 'Pauline in Strawberry'

That is one of the huge appeals of accessories for me, you can carry on wearing what you like, what suits you and be all grown up and dress for the weather but you can still follow trends just simply by adding in one little piece.  A new bracelet does not require the whole wardrobe revamp that a new skirt would.  If I buy a new skirt I need to make sure I have flats and heels to go with it, tights both thick and thin, a variety of tops to make it dressed up or down and also there is no predicting this Scottish weather, so I may even need to purchase a bigger, warmer jacket to makes sure it wasn't too cold to wear my new skirt.....I think I have made my point ;)

So what do you think of juicy fashion, sweet idea? or full of pips?

Speak soon



  1. I don't like tooooo much fruity fashion, because it makes me so hungry!! The gloria bracelet is lovely, such gorgeous colours well done to your mum on that one :)
    Fruit inspired colours and designs are great, what better palette to use than that which nature has given the thumbs-up to.

  2. ah that is a good point, if its good enough for nature....

    Emily x

  3. I love the freshness of the yellow Ava :)

  4. Uhooi,,
    Wow,, This fine jewelry, beautiful and creative,,

