Monday, 6 June 2011

I'm a Twit? Twitterer? Tweeter?

Trying to master Twitter, is it supposed to be hard? Or am I missing something?
Supposing I do manage it and then become addicted (as I have been warned can happen) then what if I can't get out of the habit of describing events around me in 140 characters or less? I'm not even sure I know what 140 characters looks like, probably less than I think though huh?

Speaking of which I have a 3500 word essay to complete, on a topic I seem to know very little about.  So why am I trying to figure out Twitter?  Well because I was told to, apparently its good for business and if thats the case then I must try!  If there is the SLIGHTEST possibility it will make me a millionaire then its worth a shot, even if all the hash signs and @ signs are driving me mad by making my page look messy.

If any of you Tweet, leave me your link....mine is @emilyrmcintyre (I think!) You never know I might tweet a 140 character or less nugget of gold and it would be such a shame to miss that ;)


  1. Hi there.I have been on Twitter for ages,but I just can't get into it.Don't understand it and dare I say I don't like it!But they do say its good for business,so I will persevere :-)
    I am @elibeegifts if you want to follow me.

  2. hey! I am following you now :) not sure I like it either but I did say that about FB before I tried it so I'll give it a shot! xx
